Do you want to Gain Total Control of Your Weight, Shape & Energy?

Grab your personalized fitness plan and I will give you all the help you need.

Fasting is an incredibly powerful health hack that can literally save your life!

Intermittent fasting was and still is my real fat burner with the help of exercise.

This natural weight loss method will help you melt fat and build lean muscle mass to any degree you want. And the best part? It’s simple, free and flexible.

What this means is, that; it doesn’t matter where you’re or what you do, you can adopt this into your lifestyle without any disruption to your schedules.

Intermittent Fasting is a form of time-restricting way of eating which involves consuming food during an 8-hour window and avoiding it (or fasting) for the rest of the day.
It is the perfect way to schedule your daily meals to get the most out of them. Science has proven that giving your body more time to digest food can be more effective for weight loss than just creating a calorie deficit.

The main concept of this diet is not to drastically change the products that you are eating, but the exact timing of eating them.
With Intermittent Fasting 16:8, you must decide if you are willing to skip breakfast or dinner according to your daily routine.

16 hours fasting

The Unexpected Benefits of INTERMITTENT FASTING

Helps you Build Muscle

Increase your Focus


Helps you Control Weight

Helps you Build Muscle


Helps you Control Weight

feel energized

Feel Energized

Increase your Focus

heal stomach problems

Heal Stomach Problems

Reduce Blood Pressure

Reduce Blood Pressure

heal stomach problems

Heal Stomach Problems

feel energized

Feel Energized


Before we dive into the definition of intermittent fasting and how it works, first let’s clarify some facts. Do you know, that staying fit has little to do with what you eat and more about when you eat? Yes it does! 

This is why the popular mindset that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is not entirely true. 

Researchers at Monash University, Australia found that the consumption of breakfast actually increases Calorie intake. And these calories are responsible for the fat in your body.

It is on these diet principles that intermittent fasting is built and it has helped over 100s of people transform their bodies and stay healthy.

Intermittent fasting is a simple cycle between dedicated hours of eating and fasting. 

For instance, within 24 hours, you can decide to have 12 hour eating period and then have 12 hour fasting period.

Easy right? The good part is there isn’t one route to this. You can have a 5/2, 12/12, or 16/8 routine. 

Types of Fasting I recommend:

  • The 16/8 Method – an eight-hour eating window each day.

  • 18/6 Method – you abstain from eating for 18 hours, then eat during the following 6.

  • OMAD Diet – fasting from food for 23 hours a day and eating whatever you’d like for one meal.
type of fasting


Just as our clothes are made to fit each person,
same way LASTING BODY TRANSFORMATION is based on a plan tailored for each individual.

decide your fitness goal

Decide your Goal

I’ll have a free consultation with you where we will define your immediate body goal and develop a personalized plan for you.

We will consider your body type, age, and current lifestyle to develop the right routines, diet plans, and exercises that will help you achieve your fitness goal.



Get a Customized Plan

My diet plans are designed to modify your behavior. You learn portion control, experience what eating in moderation feels like, and listen to your body’s fullness cues. When food is convenient it makes eating right easier. All My meal plans are based on the intermittent fasting technique

I help my clients design personalized plans that will fit into their schedules. It doesn’t matter if you are a 9 – 5 worker, a business person, or you work from home.

Rasan Fitness offers time-friendly routines that match any busy lifestyle you can think of.

Fitness is not just about what you eat, but much more about when you eat. This is why I employ the LEAN GAINS method to help clients lose fat and increase healthy muscle mass.

This is popularly known as the 16/8 Intermittent Fasting Method. It involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating while you save time and money.

This process requires little effort and you can adopt it anytime and anywhere you’re.

Not only does intermittent Fasting help you burn unwanted fat, but it also has great health benefits. 

Some changes you’ll begin you see in your body after taking up this intermittent fasting includes:

customized diet plan

Increased Fat Loss:

Intermittent Fasting has been proven to drop insulin levels dramatically. When insulin level drops, fat is more accessible and burns faster.

Improve Muscle Building:

Intermittent fasting while burning fat, retains the necessary tissues for increased muscle mass and in turn improves your level of endurance.

Healthy Heart Function:

Intermittent Fasting improves blood pressure and resting heart rates. These two are necessary to constant healthy living and longevity.

Improved Immune System:

You’ll experience heightened gene functions that protects your body against rampant diseases.

track your fitness progress

Track Your Progress

Keeping track of your fitness progress and body measurements is essential for losing weight and gaining muscle.

Our family and friends generally fail to see the value of our fitness targets. They might not give us useful feedback to maintain our motivation.
Even worse, they could unintentionally block our attempts, forcing us to give up before we even get going.

Being a reliable and effective source of support is one of my most crucial responsibility. I will make sure you achieve your goals as well as merely feel good about yourself.


Success Stories

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Let’s Discuss Your Goals.

Book one on one meeting with me and we’ll discuss how you can start your fitness journey and achieve results in your busy schedule.

✔️ Discussion on the Current state and how to achieve your goal.


$350 NZD

Personal Coaching

✔️ Customized Diet plan
✔️ Customized Workout Plan
✔️ Food preparation videos
✔️ Workout videos
✔️ Regular Check-ins
✔️ Personal Call support for 12 weeks


Frequently Asked Questions

You can begin by signing up for my Free Consultation on my website.

It doesn’t matter if you are just starting, or you’ve tried several methods before. Rasan fitness is designed to met your expectations by designing customized plans which are easier to follow and easy to digest in simple words.

Definitely. Whether you’re in the East or West, you can get the maximum benefit from this program and I’ll be with you every step of the way.