The program is customized, regularly updated, and created with YOUR goals.

Depending on where you feel comfortable, you can choose to train at home or in a gym.

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Muscle Building, Mass Gaining, Weight Gaining

Fat Loss, Weight Loss, Body Shaping & Conditioning

Advice On Supplement Selection (If needed)

All meal plans are completely customized for YOU.

By joining the Rasan Fitness Transformation member, you’ll receive a tailored meal plan 100% personalized for you where I will calculate your calorie and macronutrient requirements in relation to your fitness goals.

You will receive a workout routine and split that is fully customized to your goals, schedule, and ability. You will have the tools to successfully progress by following a program that is truly made for you.

I will keep track of your progress! Your workout program will be adjusted every four weeks based on the results you see and how your body is responding, to give you guidance and motivation.

My program includes videos of each exercise to assist with technique and form so you can slim down or tone up to get that body you have always dreamed of.

Join Today

“12 Weeks program to a Healthier, Fitter You”

Take control of your health and fitness with Rasan Fitness. Start your 12-week journey today.”


$350 NZD

Personal Coaching

✔️ Customized Diet plan
✔️ Customized Workout Plan
✔️ Food preparation videos
✔️ Workout videos
✔️ Regular Check-ins
✔️ Personal Call support for 12 weeks


Frequently Asked Questions

You can begin by signing up for my Free Consultation on my website.

It doesn’t matter if you are just starting, or you’ve tried several methods before. Rasan fitness is designed to met your expectations by designing customized plans which are easier to follow and easy to digest in simple words.

Definitely. Whether you’re in the East or West, you can get the maximum benefit from this program and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Success Stories